Knoxville is growing up! Aisle 9 opened its doors one year ago in the Old City as the only grocery/convenience store downtown. This spot also functions as an art space, and has been hosting First Friday openings for artists who display art for each month. ZACH WIDGREN had the first art show ever here last year, before the store was actually even open. Aisle Nine was basically empty, and Zach's art was hanging in the refrigerator coolers.

And now, things have come full circle: Aisle Nine is one of THREE grocery stores downtown these days (big ups to community legend John Haas for starting the trend). They are celebrating this week with lots of specials on beer, cheese, and other delicious things. Mr. Widgren will also be celebrating by having another art show there for June's First Friday. Free keg while it lasts!

112 South Central Ave. Knoxville, TN 37902
1 Year Anniversary Zach Widgren Art Show
June 3, 2011 at 7:00 PM - ??