Zach Widgren "Quarters" Art Show/Aisle 9 Opening

This Friday, April 30, downtown Knoxville will see the debut of its first ever grocery store/bar/art gallery. Located in the Old City, Aisle 9 will finally bring accessible grocery necessities to the downtown area in addition to delicious beers on tap with a chill, art-filled environment. Fans of the Fort Sanders Yacht Club (The Barcade) will appreciate this new spot that shares the same owner, local legend John Haas, and are sure to find it an ideal destination for skate pit-stops, beer, and....groceries. Word.

Come join us for the official sneak peak of the space this Friday at 8PM and also check out the latest and greatest work from Zach Widgren, who will host the first Aisle 9 Gallery show. This show will also feature work from local artists Cole Murphy and Charlie Finch.

Aisle 9 is located in the old Magpies on S. Central (next to Southbound, across from Java) and will open officially during the first week of May.