Exploring the Depths of Abstraction at Kutlesa Gallery

Kutlesa is pleased to announce Exploring the Depths of Abstractionism, a group exhibition of works by Janice Biala, Lucy Bull, Michele Fletcher, Stefan Gierowski, Cyrielle Gulacsy, Zoe McGuire, George McNeil, Milton Resnick, Park Seo-Bo and Jack Tworkov on view at the gallery’s location. Exploring the Depths of Abstractionism considers abstract art as a catalyst for self-reflection, a conduit through which ideas, emotional states, and embodied experiences can be communicated beyond the confines of traditional representation.
On a semantic level, abstraction signifies to consider something distinctly of something else; or to exist in thought or idea without a physical or concrete existence. Within visual art, abstraction holds the potential to extend between and beyond external perceptible realities, to address nuanced, layered concepts and offer multifarious encounters. In this exhibition, ten artists—historical and emerging, belonging to varying schools and artistic movements— are brought together, their works and ideas considered holistically, in tandem and in conversation. Schematized forms, gestural marks and geometric patterns engage and challenge one another across time periods and formal ideologies.
Dansaekhwa luminary Park Seo-Bo’s meditative, process-driven work enters a meaningful dialogue with Gierowski’s harmonious fusion of precision and chromatic sensibilities. The dynamic range of Tworkov, McNeil and Resnick, all of the New York School, gains depth and resonance when paired with Janice Biala’s distinctive palette and tenor, rendered with the sweeping, gestural hallmarks of Abstract Expressionism. Interwoven with these seminal voices are the enigmatic and exploratory visions of Cyrielle Gulacsy and Lucy Bull; the poetic works of Michele Fletcher that oscillate between memory and landscape; and Zoe McGuire’s otherworldly universe, emerging from layers of color and light.
The virtues of these works, whether harmony, spirituality, pure gesture or simplicity, take on a collaborative, living form when presented alongside one another, finding renewed purpose and expansive potential within each viewer's encounter and subjective perception.
—Sabrina Tamar
Press Release and Images via Kutlesa Gallery.