Lifted Lab

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By The Way The Birds Flies

Zach Widgren is embarking on a new project and completely readjusting his focus for the new year. After closing Fireproof Gallery for a Winter hiatus, he has taken up the goal of illustrating and publishing his first book.

By The Way The Bird Flies will be comprised of hand-drawn portraits that literally tell stories about each person: after individuals are recording talking about a favorite memory, words are weaved together to form the face of their keeper.

Zach plans to travel all over the U.S. and possibly other countries to meet new people, find inspiration, collaborate creatively, and pass on stories from those he encounters. To help fund this project, Zach has set up a Kickstarter that runs until January 20.

Let the man himself tell you more about By The Way The Bird Flies

A small donation of $5 gets your name published in the book as a contributor, and larger donations will come with a copy of the book, original art work, and more depending on the amount. 

Wishing Zach all the best on his travels! There is no better teacher than experience. 

Peep the latest cities, portraits, and maybe even get yourself in the book by checking out