Lifted Lab

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These Funky Masks

Some lucky students at Bearden Middle School in Knoxville, TN have been learning about the different artists in Lifted Lab in their art classes. They've seen presentations about how Bigfoot, Infamous JeanClaude, Widgren, Grifter, Lifter Baron, and Berk have used their creativity to travel, make money, and collaborate with others.

This Fall, students have also been learning about different artists such as Kandinksy, Keith Haring, and Shepard Fairey thanks to their teacher, NYC-nativeMichael Weininger, who is obviously lacing these kids with some relevant, contemporary art knowledge.

 In addition to specific artists, the youngins got some lessons on how art reflects culture and how people in different places live. After getting some insight about how art can speak about any individual's personal experience and place in the world, they were given the assignment to create a mask out of layers of colored paper ( à la mini AJ Fosik s) that represents a specific culture.
"Art students at BMS made these funky masks. They reflect various cultures all over the world. This is because we learned in class that many different cultures all over the world have masks of some sort. BMS has one of the most diverse student populations in East Tennessee, so perhaps the variety of influences in the masks reflects this.”
 For November’s First Friday, we will host an art show at Swagger in Market Square with a selection of the students’ masks. This art opening will be accompanied by a live music from DJ Wigs and refreshments. This event will give students the experience of exhibiting their work just as established artists do, interacting with their local community, and celebrating their creativity.

The art will remain on display until December 1, 2011.

November 4 - December 1, 2011
32 Market Square, Knoxville TN
Opening reception: Friday, November 4 from 6:30 - 9:00 PM